Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week 8: Reading Review Week

So, I'd like to start off by saying that I am not a very big fan of reading in general. I did though, very much enjoy the reading experiences that I've had thus far in this class. Although it may take some major effort on my part sometimes, I definitely got something out of reading every unit that I chose. I think the thing I like most about our readings is that we, as the student, get a choice of what we want to read. I read many things over the past 7 weeks, and enjoyed almost every one of what I read. In particular I was very impressed by the Aesop Winter and Aesop Jacobs units. I thought it was extremely fun to read about animals in different contexts. I always love stories with animals, and its fun that they always have lessons to go with them.

In all honestly, while reading, I have no note-taking strategies. I really just try to read through all the stories and then sort of pick what I want to write about while I'm reading. It makes it easier that I can just read the stories, and then, by memory, go back and write a blog post on what I enjoyed the most. I would definitely say that after looking back on my reading diaries they help me recall a lot. I don't have a very good memory, especially since I already forgot what I read last week. Being able to go back and click on the Reading Diary label was so much help for this week. I wouldn't be able to pick out what I read without it.

(My Fox Tattoo. Personal Photo)

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