Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week 8: Commenting Review Week

So, in all honesty, I didn't look at any of my comments until this week. After writing a post, I don't really go back to look on what people think of it. I know that that is probably not a great attitude for the class, but that's how it's been. After reading some of the comment I received, I thought that they were all very nice and had good input. I don't believe I'm making good connections with other students in this class through blogs, because all in all, I haven't really had any back and forth conversations. It's really hard to create connections through an online course. I think the comment wall is probably and really good way to fix that, but if there's no effort put in, then it kind of doesn't work. I don't really know how you could improve on this. Maybe if each student was just assigned a buddy for the entire duration of the class, instead of changing every week, students would get a better chance to connect. This would also keep feedback consistent for the storybooks and blog posts.

(Baby Bells. Personal Photo)

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