Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 10: Reading Diary B

After reading what I had so far, I was extremely excited to finish up Eskimo Folk Tales. I sort of think that these stories have been my favorite thus far this semester. They are fairly easy to read, plus its very interesting to read stories that have to deal with Native America. From the second half of this reading, I was very interested in The Wife Who Lied. From the name of the story, it seems like this would be relatable in the real world. The first sentence was really what hooked me in. I mean how can you not get intrigued when you see that the individual in the story came from a tribe of man-eaters.

After reading on, this story seemed almost kind of graphic, but in a good way. Sometime for me, the more graphic and horror like, the better. I couldn't believe that almost everyone was killed in the village. Those three that hid were very lucky and I guess you would say smart for not getting caught by the killers. I was also kind of taken back that those three who lived worked so hard on arrows that their bones were showing. They were definitely dedicated to the cause of getting back at their enemies. Unfortunately, I do not think they did enough work for the hut was taken and the men were killed. In addition, those women who lived were taken and forced upon new husbands. I was very surprised that the lying wife died in the end, but it does make sense. This story definitely tells others that you should not lie.

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