Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 12: Reading Diary A

Since I am doing this assignment early, and in honor of St. Patrick's Day, I choose to read the Celtic Fairy Tales unit for Week 12. I love reading fairy tales, and as soon as I read the description of this particular unit, I knew I wanted to read it. This unit did seem sort of short, but nevertheless, it was a good read. The first story I really enjoyed in this unit was Connla and the Fairy Maiden. I loved the idea of the maiden being free from death and old age. The way this story is portrayed, the maiden really seems magical and mystic. The maiden definitely did not have to work very hard to impress and make her mark on Connla, the king's son. With her charm, she was able to create a longing in him that no one had ever seen before. It was only normal that the King thought that this was an evil witches doing, and turned to his druid to be rid of her. Unfortunately for them, she was able to return near the end of the story. Only she could satisfy Connla's longing, and she finally got her chance to do it. I really wonder if they ever went off to that joyful land that the maiden promised Connla, or if it was just a trick. The mystery of the story definitely keeps you thinking, even after the story is done. There are a million possibilities for how the story could have gone after the ending.

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