Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reading Diary B: Aesop (Jacobs)

For this reading diary, I finished up reading the Aesop (Jacobs) unit. It was really nice finishing up this unit and getting to read all the fun little stories it encompasses. One chapter in particular caught my eye. Insects, Snakes, and Crabs was very interesting to read. The reason that these stories kind of caught my attention was because of my association with snakes. When I was in kindergarten I actually had a pet python named Katie. In particular, I really enjoyed the story the Man and the Snake. I thought it had a very good lesson attached to it; “beware how you entertain traitors.” It was very sweet and to the point, as well as very clear on what the story was trying to get across. I also really enjoyed how the pictures contain the entire story. It may be short, but it’s definitely a lot of fun to read.

Another story that caught my eye was one in the chapter named People Wise and Foolish, Part 1. The stories in this chapter seemed a bit longer. The Shepherd's Boy was a classic story that I grew up knowing. It was really nice to find it within this unit and read the entire thing. Mostly this story is told from just memory, but here it was laid out in actual text. I really like the lesson that this story encompasses, and I have definitely used it a couple of times when trying to teach a lesson to a child.

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