Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cupid & Psyche - Reading Diary B

I was very excited to read on after finishing half of this unit. I really enjoyed the chapter Venus and the Goddesses. It was kind of perfect how the story had panned out thus far. Venus, jealous and green from the beauty of Psyche, sent her son Cupid to ruin Psyche. Earlier on, Venus told Cupid to make Psyche fall for the most wretched men. It was very ironic, come to find out that Cupid would fall for the beautiful Psyche. Of course, in this chapter, Venus is brought this news from another source. Once she hears that this is the doing of Psyche, she becomes furious. I really think karma played a great joy in this part of the story.

The other chapter that really intrigued me was Sleep of the Dead. In reading the story, you could really feel what love Cupid had for Psyche. Of course her curiosity caused her to fall into a deep sleep, but Cupid came and took it away. The way he talks to her during this part really gets through his deep feelings for her. Things played out so differently than expected for Cupid. as I mentioned above, it was his job to ruin Psyche and the beauty the people saw in her. Instead, he fell for the nemesis of his mother, and in turn defied his mother's wishes. In all of this, he did find probably the best thing of all, love. Although he now worried about his mother's wrath, I do believe that he made out pretty well.

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