Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 4: Reading Diary B

I was really excited to finish the unit Persian Tales. It was mostly due to the fact of some animal stories coming up. I am definitely a sucker for any kinds of stories about animals, as well as fairy tales. It does seem kind of generic, but that's just what I like. The first story that really captured my attention was The Story of the Wolf Bride. I mean if that title doesn't catch your attention, I don't know what will. It was actually a very good story with a lesson behind it. The story seemed sort of short, but I very much enjoyed reading it. I think the lesson was definitely right though. What is meant to happen will happen. There is no changing fate. It was really sad though that the girl had torn her husband to pieces. It was probably a good thing that she did not remember any of it.

The second story I really liked was the Story of the Baker and the Grateful Fish. This story was a bit morbid at the end, but it definitely got the point across. It it very unwise to trick people, especially people who have a lot of support behind them. Luckily the baker had given so much to the fish, so in turn, they helped him escaped from the mountain top and get to dry land. The same can't be said for the trickster merchant. Unfortunately for him, he got what was coming his way. Karma is definitely real. Different factors play into it, but it always finds it's victim.

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