Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week 15: Online Education Review

I've had quite some experience with online education. Before I started attending OU, I received my Associates in Applied Science for Accounting at Tulsa Community College, entirely through online courses. I really enjoyed taking all my online classes because it allowed me more time to work, as well as go to school. The most beneficial thing was probably that you can work at your own pace for most of the classes. It really gives you some freedom with your education. I would definitely take more classes if they were available online. I sort of wish OU and even University of Central Oklahoma offered more online classes for the upper division accounting requirements, but I guess you can't have everything.

Week 15: Gen. Ed. Review

My experience with General Education has been overall pretty good at OU. I really like how they offered a multitude of interesting classes to pick from. I think the Humanities classes that I've taken, have probably been some of my favorite classes here at OU. I think my Gen. Ed. classes were just a fun addition to my degree. I think I've definitely taken some valuable information from all of my Gen. Ed. classes. I think my favorite classes have probably been Anthropology, MythFolklore, and Epics of India. They were all really great classes, and I enjoyed the work in all of them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 15: College Writing Review

I am an accounting major here at the university. Although it may not seem like it, writing plays a big role in my career choice. I need to be able to write professionally to clients, as well as on memos and letters to the IRS or Oklahoma Tax Commission, etc. I've only taken one really writing-intensive class for my major, which was Business Writing here at OU. Other than that, I've taken a couple of humanities classes, much like this one, that focuses on writing. I think my courses have helped me in being able to communicate better through writing. I also believe that they have helped me to improve my writing and grammar, as well as expand my vocabulary. For this class, I believe that the most helpful writing that I have done is probably creating my Storybook. There is a lot that goes into those storybooks, and sometimes writing entirely about one thing is more difficult than people think. It has definitely helped me to become more creative. At this college, I probably couldn't point out exactly what my most meaningful writing experience was. I have a terrible memory, and there have been a lot of instances of writing.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 14: Extra Reading Diary

For my extra reading this week, I decided to take a look into Brothers Grimm (Crane). I enjoyed the Hunt version so much, and I also wanted to get a look at the story with Snow-White. I was thinking that maybe this one would end up being the version that I have come to know. Come to find out, this was the version of Snow-White that I knew. At the end of the first section, the story goes on to tell about Snow-White finding a little house with seven spots at a table and seven beds. I thought this was a very interesting part because it kind of had a Goldilocks feel to it. She ate a little from each plate, and then she tried to find a bed to lay in. Unfortunately, it wasn't until the seventh bed that she got comfy enough to fall asleep. Luckily, the dwarves weren't as angry as the bears were in Goldilocks. They let Snow-White sleep through the night because they did not want to wake her. The ending was a little different than I remember, but it was nice to get a different side of the story. I couldn't believe how many times the wicked queen tried to kill Snow-White. She wasn't very good at it. It was nice that Snow-White always came back alive. I was a little surprised that just the moving of her coffin helped the apple to get out of her throat. I kind of like the kiss version better, but that's just me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week 14: Reading Diary B

After reading the first half of Brothers Grimm (Hunt), I was really looking forward to finishing the unit. Especially since it had a story named Snow-White and Rose-Red. I was very curious to find out if this was the version of Snow White that I have come to know, or if it was someone entirely different. After reading into the story a bit, I soon realized that it was not a story I have come to know. It was quite different, but I very much enjoyed it. Snow-White and Rose-Red definitely had some fun personalities. It was nice that they were so different, but somewhat similar at the same time. There mother was very lucky to have those to girls around the house. I personally did not know what to expect when the bear came into the story. I thought that he may have been tricking the small family into letting him inside their cottage, only to betray their trust later on. It turns out that I was wrong. He was a gentle bear needing shelter from the snow. I also thought that he was just guarding his treasures from the evil dwarf, but there was more to the story. I thought it was really neat that after killing the dwarf, the bear turned back into a Prince. The two girls were definitely really lucky for that bear to come to their door. He brought them a lot of happiness, and in the end, they both were married to the Prince and his brother. It was a really sweet story.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 14: Reading Diary A

This week I decided to take a look into Brothers Grimm (Hunt). The overview of the unit intrigued me. I have heard of Hansel and Grethel before, but I was definitely looking forward to how this unit portrayed that story. Hansel and Grethel was the first story I read in this unit. This story was very long, but I enjoyed it very much. I couldn't stop reading. The story pretty much went how I knew it would. It was nice to get more details from the story. It was nice to get more details from the story. I thought that was very rude of the stepmother to convince their father to abandon them in the woods. It was a shame that Hansel didn't just pick up the pebbles as he was going back to the house on the first attempt to get rid of the children. I didn't know that the parents tried to take Hansel and Grethel out in the woods two different times. That stepmother of theirs seemed like a real monster. After they found the gingerbread house, I couldn't believe how many sweets they consumed. I like sweets as much as the next person, but if that was all that I had eaten in days, I probably would have gotten very sick. Fortunately for the children, the witch couldn't see very far. Both Hansel and Grethel tricked her at different times in the story. Both the children seemed to be good at improvising in this terrible situation. I liked the added bit at the end of the story with the duck. I thought that was really cute.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 13: Extra Reading Diary

For my extra reading diary this week, I thought it would be fun to look into the Italian Popular Tales unit. The description underneath the length really persisted me to look into it. I wanted to read the Italian version of Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty. I thought it would be a lot of fun, and I definitely wanted to know if it's any different from the version that I know of both of those stories. After looking over the chapters, I was a little confused at first since I did not see those stories that attracted me to the unit in the first place, but was relieved that the description mentioned what stories were equivalents to those. The first story I read was Zelinda and the Monster, which was much like Beauty and the Beast. There were some aspects that were huge changes in the story, such as the location of where the location of the Beast was. The Beast, or in this story the Dragon, could not leave the garden in the story. So, unlike a palace, the main setting was in a garden. Another difference, which I already sort of went over, was that instead of the beast that we know of in the story, the beast was a dragon. The story was pretty similar other than those aspects though. I really enjoyed this one, as well as the others I read. All of the stories seemed similar to stories I already know, but had their fun little differences to make it an interesting read.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week 13: Reading Diary B

For my second reading diary this week, I will be finishing up my thoughts on Lang's European Fairy Tales I. After reading the first half of the unit, I was really excited to finish it up. There seemed to be a lot of fun titles that had me really intrigued before I started. The Death of the Sun-Hero was probably one of my favorites from the second half of this unit. The name, itself, was very interesting. The Prince in the story really seemed like something else. By twenty, he was the greatest hero in the kingdom. He must have been quite a catch. After reading on a little, the dream that the Queen and King had seemed kind of too good to be true. It made me think that something bad might happen at the end of the story. The Prince ventured out to find a Tree of the Sun. Only by protection this tree for nine days and nights, would the Prince be able to call himself the Sun-Hero. He had to fend the tree off from getting damaged by wolves. It was a pretty difficult task to defend a tree for more than eight nights. The Prince definitely needed to sleep. I ended up being right after all though. The tree in the story got damaged and the Prince was sentenced to death. It took a while for that order to be carried out, but in the end, the Prince still got what he deserved. Maybe he shouldn't have taken on the name Sun-Hero without earning it first.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 13: Reading Diary A

This week I decided to take a look at Lang's European Fairy Tales I. Over this semester, I've gotten to take a look at a multitude of units involving fairy tales. This one was no different. I was really interested in seeing what the European fairy tales hold, and whether I could find different stories to which I haven't heard before. Overall, my reading of the first half of this unit was very good. I did come across one story that was my favorite from the first half of the unit.

The first story I really liked was the very first story in the unit, The Master Cat, or Puss in Boots. The very first sentence of the story made me chuckle a little:

"There was a miller who left no more estate to the three sons he had than his mill, his ass, and his cat."

I mean who wouldn't find that funny. This definitely painted a nice picture for the story. As the story went on, it got a little more into the son who acquired the cat. He, of course, thought the cat was going to be completely useless to him. The cat overheard his owner say this and decided to make a case for himself. He asked for a bag and pair of boots. Then he would prove himself to his owner. I don't want to spoil the entire story, so I figured the rest can be left up to your imagination. Cats are very cunning, so his statement was a little peculiar to me. He could very well be telling the truth though.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week 12: Extra Reading Diary

For my extra reading diary this week, I decided to read the Nursery Rhymes unit. I always loved nursery rhymes growing up, so I was very excited to see how this unit plays out. I was really interested to see if they might be the same stories I grew up with, or new stories. After reading a little bit, I soon found out that I didn't know most of the stories written, but it was fun exploring the new stories. I came across one story that I enjoyed very much. I was very happy to come across a familiar story, Humpty Dumpty. It was written a little differently than how I know the words to be. That was pretty much expected. I kind of liked this version a little more. It seemed to have an older feel to it. This story was part of the riddles chapter. It was very interesting reading all the different riddle nursery rhymes. They are really riddles because some of them seem to make no sense at all. They were a lot of fun to read. Another story out of this chapter that I really liked was the one written about all the legs. At first when I was reading it, I couldn't make sense of it at all. I thought it was just some jumbled words. The little piece of information really put everything into perspective for me. It was interesting to see how one specific word could have so many different meanings when adding different numbers into the mix.