Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week 12: Extra Reading Diary

For my extra reading diary this week, I decided to read the Nursery Rhymes unit. I always loved nursery rhymes growing up, so I was very excited to see how this unit plays out. I was really interested to see if they might be the same stories I grew up with, or new stories. After reading a little bit, I soon found out that I didn't know most of the stories written, but it was fun exploring the new stories. I came across one story that I enjoyed very much. I was very happy to come across a familiar story, Humpty Dumpty. It was written a little differently than how I know the words to be. That was pretty much expected. I kind of liked this version a little more. It seemed to have an older feel to it. This story was part of the riddles chapter. It was very interesting reading all the different riddle nursery rhymes. They are really riddles because some of them seem to make no sense at all. They were a lot of fun to read. Another story out of this chapter that I really liked was the one written about all the legs. At first when I was reading it, I couldn't make sense of it at all. I thought it was just some jumbled words. The little piece of information really put everything into perspective for me. It was interesting to see how one specific word could have so many different meanings when adding different numbers into the mix.

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