Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 13: Extra Reading Diary

For my extra reading diary this week, I thought it would be fun to look into the Italian Popular Tales unit. The description underneath the length really persisted me to look into it. I wanted to read the Italian version of Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty. I thought it would be a lot of fun, and I definitely wanted to know if it's any different from the version that I know of both of those stories. After looking over the chapters, I was a little confused at first since I did not see those stories that attracted me to the unit in the first place, but was relieved that the description mentioned what stories were equivalents to those. The first story I read was Zelinda and the Monster, which was much like Beauty and the Beast. There were some aspects that were huge changes in the story, such as the location of where the location of the Beast was. The Beast, or in this story the Dragon, could not leave the garden in the story. So, unlike a palace, the main setting was in a garden. Another difference, which I already sort of went over, was that instead of the beast that we know of in the story, the beast was a dragon. The story was pretty similar other than those aspects though. I really enjoyed this one, as well as the others I read. All of the stories seemed similar to stories I already know, but had their fun little differences to make it an interesting read.

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